Monday, July 24, 2006

Kumiko, Ethan & Saki

On Wednesday, Ethan has to take a photo of his pets in to daycare. A little show n' tell during their "animal week". So I was lucky enough to get them all to pose together on the couch this evening for a little photo op. This was the best photo of the bunch, and even still it looks like Saki is a little hesitant to sit near him.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mr. Smartie Pants

Ethan loves to turn the television off and on when we're trying to watch something. This evening was no exception. But this time, he had other plans. He wanted to watch Baby Einstein's "Neighborhood Animals". And how do you think we knew that? By him turning the DVD player on and then swiftly going to his rocker, sitting down and waiting until it appeared on the tube. He's very smart for his age (must've gotten it from his Mama). :) Gotta love him!

Hurricane Ethan

This was a torrential storm that even the weather people had no clue was coming into our path. It first set down on Monday, the 10th, and after much cleanup that evening, it showed it's furry again this evening. If only we would've had some warning!

Monday, July 10, 2006

First Word/First Phrase

Well, after many months of prodding and looking silly, we managed to get Ethan to pipe up for his first real word: dog! Yeah, ma and pa have been part of his vocabulary for many months, but this is the first word that he's come out and fully pronounced. Yesterday, while watching K-9's on cable, Ethan pointed to the TV and said "dog!" several times. Seems he really likes dogs, only slightly influenced, I think, by our two lovable dogs Saki and Kumiko.

Ethan decided to follow up his word with his first phrase: uhh-oh! Just the other day, after dropping his sippy cup, he uttered the phrase, in it's entirety, apparently intending to inform us of his predicament. This after months of him saying "Uhh!" followed by us saying "oh!" in some vein attempt to get him to piece the two words together. What word or phrase will he utter next? Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Morning (weekday) Routine

This is a scrapbook page I created Tuesday of Ethan's routine in the mornings. (click on the image to enlarge it). In case it's hard to read, it states:
5:45 - 6:00 a.m. get woke up by Mama
6:00 - 6:10 a.m. diaper changed and dressed for school
6:10 - 6:15 a.m. drink milk
6:15 - 6:25 a.m. read a book (repeat as necessary)
6:25 - 6:40 a.m. lay down until Mama's ready to leave
6:40 - 6:50 a.m. diaper changed again, teeth brushed and shoes put on
6:50 - 7:00 a.m. depart and arrive at school

Believe me, there are mornings (like today) when it really does take the full 15 minutes to get his butt out of bed. He must've gotten my genes in that department.