Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas '06 Highlights

These are just a few of the items that Ethan got for Christmas this year. At the rate he's going, he's surely not going to know the real reason for the season...

A lowdown on some of the gifts:
1. Thomas the Tank Engine train set from Santa
2. a view of all the Christmas gifts - which I'd say at least 75% of them are his
3. an aquarian lamp from Grammie and Papaw Tacy
4. a Barnie "Manners" DVD from Aunt Carole, Uncle Eddie and cousin Kate
5. a Benjamin Bear DVD from Aunt Dee Dee, Uncle Tom, and cousins Chris, Kristin and Clay
6. another Thomas the Tank Engine train set from cousin Kate (can't have enough Thomas...believe me)
7. a new set of wheels from Grandpa Pritchett
8. a basketball hoop from Mama and Daddy

Thank you everyone for the gifts!


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