The kid just can't have enough "toys". I wanted to purchase him a desk and chair so that he can sit down and practice his coloring techniques. Unfortunately, the new furniture has not found a proper home and the desk has already been "tested" with his big, fat crayons I also got for him. Luckily the crayons are washable. (The things they come up with nowadays!) He's already used the seat of one of our dining room chairs as a canvas. What have I got myself into?!?!? Oh, but to see how giddy he was when he first laid eyes on the paper and crayons I placed in his desk, it may just

be worth it. So far, every day when we get home from daycare, he goes right over to his desk and starts coloring. Now if only I can muster enough courage to let him start finger painting! Oh brother! Of course, he might just be the next Picasso and you'll be able to see his work of art in a nearby gallery.
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